telephone directory

  • phonebook: a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers
  • A book listing the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the people in a particular area
  • to store your contacts’ names, telephone numbers and addresses.
  • means a Telephone Directory published by BT or any other operator (as appropriate).

    sydney white

  • Sydney White (also known by the working title Sydney White and the Seven Dorks) is a 2007 film starring Amanda Bynes, Sara Paxton, and Matt Long, and based on the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.


  • One side of a sheet of paper in a collection of sheets bound together, esp. as a book, magazine, or newspaper
  • A sheet of paper of such a kind considered as a whole, comprising both sides
  • (page) contact, as with a pager or by calling somebody’s name over a P.A. system
  • (page) English industrialist who pioneered in the design and manufacture of aircraft (1885-1962)
  • The material written or printed on such a sheet of paper
  • (page) one side of one leaf (of a book or magazine or newspaper or letter etc.) or the written or pictorial matter it contains

sydney white pages telephone directory

sydney white pages telephone directory – Gender Roles

Gender Roles and Different Occupations History: Telephone and Telegraph DVD (1946)
Gender Roles and Different Occupations History: Telephone and Telegraph DVD (1946)
An amazing vintage film that illuminates the history of communications, Telephone and Telegraph is a phenomenal historical experience. As the film reveals, telegraph jobs were similar to those in the growing telecommunications field of the 1940s. There is stock footage of a late 19th century Western Union office and a Bell telephone, as well as a lot of great video of analog equipment. Most interestingly, the film also reveals the gender roles of the era when it divides the available telecommunications jobs up by sex, saying that some jobs just weren’t open to “girls.” Men were encouraged to get a college degree, which would help them in their careers as engineers, couriers, executives, installers and others. Women, on the other hand, are told that they could work as operators, clerks, or secretaries. This vintage film illuminates the history of telecommunications like no other!

GPO Belfast Telephone Directory, 1914 – rear cover showing advert for Pears Soap, illustrated by Phil May

GPO Belfast Telephone Directory, 1914 - rear cover showing advert for Pears Soap, illustrated by Phil May
The back of the 1914 Belfast telephone directory with a fine advert for the well-known Pears Soap. Not the usual "Bubbles" but a reminder of the then century old history of Pears. the illustration is by the famous Leeds born artist Phil May, who had died in 1908, and which is very typical of his style.

Lun Lun on the cover of the Atlanta AT&T Telephone Directory!!!

Lun Lun on the cover of the Atlanta AT&T Telephone Directory!!!
Now THIS is a phone book cover. Lun Lun graces the cover of the AT&T Atlanta telephone directory – I love it! The inside blurb says it’s Xi Lan for some strange reason.

sydney white pages telephone directory

28 Pages
What is the United States government concealing in 28 classified pages of the 9/11 Commission Report?

Who are they protecting?

Why are they doing it?

– “A Must read political thriller” – B.B. Kahn, author of Seven Society

– “Debut political thriller you can’t put down”- Douglas Dorow, author, The Ninth District

– “Murder, conspiracy, jihadists, politics – What more could one ask?” – Reader

Heather Grahl, a young Washington, D.C. lawyer, receives a call one morning bearing devastating news: police in the Bahamas discovered her sister’s decapitated body. With no apparent suspects or motive, the authorities offer little help in solving the crime.

Determined to find her sister’s killers, Heather sacrifices her career and risks her life pursuing the murderers. Through her investigation, she uncovers evidence linking the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. to the gruesome killing and learns of a shocking Saudi conspiracy against the United States that her sister died trying to expose. Together with a mysterious ally, Heather races to reveal the deadly Saudi conspiracy before she shares her sister’s fate.

Inspired by true events.